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Ramadan 2023 Challenge for Kids under Taklif Age


Uloom Zainabia is holding a Kids Challenge for youngers who are under the age of Taklif per Islamic criteria. The following kids are qualified to participate and register for the kids challenge:

1) Girls under age 9 lunar years according to Hijri calendar

2) Boys who have met the following condition: 

-  Under 15 years old according to lunar Hijri calendar who have not observed physical signs of maturity/buloogh. This will vary from boy to boy. Please refer to Islamic law for information on physical signs for boys, per Shari'ah. 

Note: Child should be capable of fasting a full day from sunrise to sunset without great difficulty or major health concern. 

CHALLENGE: To fast a minimum of 14 days in the holy month of Ramadan.

Registration Deadline: April 1, 2023


Each registered student will login daily onto the Uloom Zainabia website with their usernames and log in their fast for the day. Parent/guardian can do so on behalf of the child if the child cannot do so or don't have a device. All fasts will be tracked on the website. You may enter fasting confirmation at the end of the day or afterwards. Trust and honesty is expected of all participants as well as their parent/guardian who are submitting their fasting confirmation online. This is a vow of trust in front of Allah (SWT) in the holy month of Ramadan.  

For any questions or comments, please email: or send a message to Sr. Jerrmein at +1 201-736-7163.

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